Tinytactical or brickarms

Tinytactical or brickarms
Tinytactical or brickarms by Shobrick

interesting comparison between brickarms and and tiny tactical, brickarms tend to be the cheapest in the market tiny tactical seem to be coming up snapping at their heels, both are obviously very popular and both are on sale at firestartoys.com.

which do you prefer?

One thought on “Tinytactical or brickarms

  1. I like both. My favorite has to be BrickArms, they’re inexpensive not cheap. Very high quality and they have a wide range of products which I think helps fill a large void.

    I’ve order TT before and have a few. By comparison they’re maybe more detail and customization built into the TT weapons they’re cost is somewhat prohibitive. For the price of 2 TT weapons with mods I could buy a dozen Brickarms. Both though serve a good purpose and I’m happy to have both making these awesome customs.

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