sanitizers MOC vignette


Originally uploaded by Shmails

Checkout this vignette, made for a Lego contest, i really like the water. its based on the castle theme and it looks like its a sword cleaners, it looks like a lot of thought went into planning this vignette, particularly in terms of the positioning of the water features so it actually flows and wold be believable

Water is poured into buckets, which are heated to boiling over a massive flame. Once boiling, the water is poured into troughs that funnel the water into four barrels with special cleaning products already inside. The water flows out the barrels and onto the dirty item, today a bloody spear, which is scrubbed by two workers. When clean, the item is rested to dry, then transported by white pillow to the clean room where it waits for its next use.

Additionally, Flags and custom minifigs were made so you won’t be disappointed there are some great details you can see in these minifigs.