Released in 1987 the original Predator movie follows an elite special forces team, led by ‘Dutch’ (Arnold Schwarzenegger), on a mission to rescue hostages from guerrilla territory in Central America. They are being hunted by a technologically advanced form of extraterrestrial life, the Predator.
So far there has been 4 films, Predator (1987), Predator 2 (1990), Alien vs. Predator, Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem and Predators (2010).
Using a combination of LEGO parts, Sculptey and Paint vader316 has created these fantastic 4 custom minifigures.
Elder Predator Custom Minifigure.
AVP Predator Custom Minifigure.
Wolf Predator Custom Minifigure.
Bleeding Battle Damaged Custom Minifigure.
These are fantastic, well done!