LEGO often hits the mark when designing new minifigures, but I have to agree with Geoshift that some of their designs are a little disappointing, and leave us wondering why they didn’t put just a little more effort into them. Sometimes even the smallest addition can change the minifigure from ordinary to excellent. Here are two examples from the LEGO Super Heroes theme.

The head on this LEGO Nick Fury Minifigure looks great, but was surprised that they did not use printed legs of some sort. So, Geoshift made a few changes and also added a BrickArms Arbiter DS to replace the LEGO gun.

All Geoshift has done with this LEGO Captain America Minifigure is change the legs to the eclipseGrafx dark blue combat pants, and result is somewhere between Captain America’s classic and ultimate costume designs.
Do you think LEGO got the designs spot on?