At last minifig photos rather than digital renders of the latest in the lego collectors minifigure series – series 5 has been unveiled. There are some amazing minifigs in series 5 some that i can’t wait to get my hands on the British soldier minfig (based on the Guards regiment) in particular is one that i’m itching to get my hands on. At the same time however, this particular minifig seems to (like the indiana jones German soldiers, or the pirates soldiers) run counter to Legos philosophy of non-violent parts. After all, what do soldiers do?
I digress, asides from the Guard minifig, i’m looking forwards to the Boxer minifig, I think this is the first time Lego have attempted to make gloves for a minifig. There are a few other minifigs in the series that caught my eye, the scolar, dino dude and gladiator are all great, then there’s the mafia minifig with the violin case and the woodcutter…all awesome minifig goodness.
Shop Minifigures and choose the minifigure you want to complete your collection, or start collecting now!