Tuminio is new on the custom minifigure scene but I think we will all agree that he has made a huge impact with his inspirational minifigs, and we are really pleased that he has agreed to be interviewed:
How did you first get into custom minifigs?
Lego has been one of my favorite hobbies since I was a child and it continues to be with me to the college and university. I always have a small corner in house to display my creation. However, they are all original Lego. My customized minifig hobby has just begun about 4 months ago when I discovered a Gameworkshop nearby my house. I thought it would be awesome if I combine the detailed pieces of miniatures and Lego minifig into one. It also provide me the opportunity to meet new people with similar interests especially on Flickr community. Despite my busy life of study, social life and working, I still manage to get my hands on Lego in free time.
Where do you get your ideas and inspiration from?
The inspiration firstly came from the customminifig.co.uk website, that the first site appeared on my screen when I searched custom minifig on Google. From there I have discovered many wonderful customs and customizers. Following that, I have been greatly inspired from Geoshift and Pedro-69 who also used third party accessories, paints and cutting skills to create brilliant figures.
What process do you go through when creating a custom minifig?
The first step of course is to collect the customized materials. Initially, I purchased a lot from Ebay, then Firestartoys and directly from third party accessories like BrickWarrior, BrickForge, Minifig.cat, and Amazing Armory, and after all the miniatures from Warhammer and other related stuffs that can be customized. The cutting tools, paints and good brushes are also required. When all the materials have been collected, I divide them into different team which have 4, 5 members each and starting customized, based on reference from specific figures of just my own creation.

What paints do you use?
Most of my paints are Citadel which is easy to apply on plastic and also easy to remove by nail polish remover. Other than that, I use spray paints from Humbrol to quickly create a base layer on figure.
Do you have any tips to pass onto other customisers?
Making customized figures suits to people with an eye for detail and a lot of patience. This detail can be as elaborate or as simple as you like; many of my creation are made from things you find around the house and use imagination to turn into something else, for example the electric wire, the toothpick or cloths. In aspect of painting, Youtube is best source to learn different techniques in very detailed tutorials. On the other hand, to collect all best materials would be a lot to spend, therefore make sure you can afford it, and have the time to spare. As you begin, start small and then upgrading so that you can optimize to figure to best.
If there was one character that you wished LEGO could produce who would it be?
Well, I would love Lego could produce the Doraemon theme which is also one of my childhood favorite figure.

Are you currently on any new projects?
I have recently turned into 22, graduated from university, and starting finding a career. This is turning page moment in my life and the time for Lego would be reduced significantly. However, I still stock a lot of unused materials which I plan to finish them on the weekend. My current project is Halokalyptic, Apocalyptic Cyborg, Wasteland Orkclan, Bane Knight and Lion Space.I plan to keep on this hobby with me as the figures will last for a long time and I love to make everyone in community see them and smile.