Interview With Bricker

Here at Custom Minifigs we want to meet as many people as possible who love minifig customization, and get their views and inspirations. Bricker was kind enough to agree to be interviewed:

1. How did you first get in to custom minifigs?

I just wan’t to give a quick shout-out to all my friends on flickr, whom have inspired me, and kept me going, thanks guys!

I first got into customizing when I stumbled upon Jasbrick on flickr. He inspired me so much, I finally decided to “give up” some of the pieces from my collection for customizing, then everything started from there.

2. Where do you get your ideas and inspiration from?

Most of my ideas come from several video-games and movies. But when I don’t have an idea, I just sit-down, paint a few parts, and something usually comes to me.

3. Are there any customizers that you look up to, or inspire you?

There are many customizers that I look up to. My all-time favorites are Jasbrick and Pecovam. Their work has inspired me ever since I first joined flickr.

4. What do you think of the Lego Collectors series?

I think they are a great idea. There so useful too! They are a great source for special accessories, parts, and pieces.

5. Are you currently on any new projects?

I have a few projects planned. My current projects are Wallcroft and “Soap” MacTavish from the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare series. I also have a few others in mind.

Thank you so much for this opportunity!