Hazel custom minifig visor

new visor from hazel, this one is totally awesome i much prefer it to the first visor released and i can’t wait to paint this up and have it on some custom minifigs, just needs some sort of gas mask with it and some equally gnarly custom minifig guns too!

and below, film photos of the up coming project arbiter film, as you’ll have noticed hazels made a custom minifig version, make sure you watch the trailer and the film, as there will be plenty more custom minifig goodness to come out of that film. and another thing, hazel is producing custom minifig parts for project arbiter under license, meaning that anyone else producing similar pieces to sell would be doing so illegally, the reason for this is simple, hazel wanted to help support the films launch so the price of the products factors in some donation to the makers of the film, as such for every hazel project arbiter product you end up buying, you’re actually helping to fund the film and ensure its release…pretty cool if you as me, you could even get your name into the credits and say that you helped make the film!

2 thoughts on “Hazel custom minifig visor

  1. Would be awesome to get our names up on there but I doubt it… these figs are so awesome that a mess of people will be buying them… it would add like a whole 5 minutes of credits if they did add us. 😛

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