Featured Lego Custom minifig shop Firestar Toys

Firestartoys.com are a new and up and coming Lego custom minifig shop, speaking with Paul the owner, his hope is that Firestartoys, will be come the largest online store (second to bricklink, which really is more of a marketing place) for lego, Lego minifigs and Lego custom minifigs and accessories.

Paul is a big fan of Lego Starwars and at present this is the largest stock, and whilst its still early days, navigating the site, adding lego minifigs to the shopping cart is a joy and certainly beats having to wade through the tiny images on Bricklink.

From conversations with Paul, he hopes to promote new and innovative custom minifig makers and there’s a good chance custom minifig makers will be able to sell their designs in mass production on Firestar Toys.  There’s also ambitious plans to sponsor some ouf customminifig.co.uk’s future competitions, so make sure you watch this space!

Fancy getting your custom minifigs distributed and making some money from Lego custom minifigs? Get in touch with Firestartoys – they have an open invitation for any custom minifig designers to get in touch and discuss opportunities: sales <at> firestartoys.com