Fingers-blow is putting together an elite team of 6 DEVGRU members and here are the first two. They look really good and the background sets the scene nicely.

The SEAL Team 6 Operator Custom Minifigure is wearing the latest A-TAC’s camouflage and custom Spec-ops painted boots. The headgear is a MICH 2001 with ms2000 distress marker, counter weight pocket, US IR Flag and SEAL Knights patch.

This Operator Custom Minifigure features a Hew Ops-Core Fast Ballistic helmet with MS200 Distress marker, headset and DD Mk18 upgrades.
The weapon upgrades look great with the LARUE stock made from LEGO antenna pole, sculpted left over plastic from a LEGO backpack. Enlarged bi-pod, AN/PEQ-15 and Trijicon ACOG TA 31 scope.
Also the small pouches, tactical vests, knee pads, radio’s, and scopes are by Tiny Tactical.
OMG can i buy one of these