LEGO compatible guns are big business as minifigure combat fans arm their minifigs with all the latest gear. We are often asked which is the best third party vendor as LEGO refuse to make army guns, however are quite happy letting other merchants make them to fit their minifigures.

Combat Brick M110 Sniper Rifle (Bottom)
Made from high quality solid ABS plastic, we thought we would do a comparison of the modern US M110 Sniper Rifle as both BrickArms and CombatBrick have made one. You will instantly notice that Brick Arms have added a suppressor for the silent kills which is pretty cool, while Combat Brick have tried to stay as true as possible to the original design.
Both have the same price point and each has different features which stand-out. Both companies are a similar quality and do guns the other doesn’t do so you could definitely mix and match depending what you are looking for. On this particular model I think the scope is better on the Brick Arms model but it all depends if you want a suppressor or not?
If third party weapon vendors want to send me guns to compare, this could become a regular feature?