This amazing custom minifigure uses the Gears of War Onyx Guard by Brick Affliction. The arms are set on a ball joint which enables you to place them in a variety of positions not previously available with standard minifigure arms. The pieces are precision moulded with intricate details using high quality cast resin which for a huge level of detail.
Just when you think this minifigure cannot be improved, GIOVANNI has added modified BrickWarriors knee pads and then painted all the fine details superbly. For reference the Citadel paints he used were:
Abaddon Black.
Leadbelcher (Gun Metal)
Auric armour Gold (back of the shotgun shells and his belt)
Hashut Copper.
Lothern Blue.
Lahmium Medium (to make the paint thinner and cleaner)
Nuln Oil Shade.
Blue Night Shade.
Very nice showcase piece!