Lego custom minifig Segway

Lego custom minifig Segway

 (Lego custom minifig Segway by unknown)

If you look at the right hand Lego object, thats a Segway, a rather interesting mobility device,  in the center you ahve a custom made Lego bike and to the right a Lego custom minifig scooter. Pretty cool, and they look really good, not least because they suit the respective minifigs. Point to note about the minifigs, notice the feet, particularly the girlrs, notice how they have been customized to look like bobby socks? Pretty sweet. The reason for showing these custom minifigs and pointing out the Lego segway is to show the potential of using Lego as a means of depicting objects, really when making a custom minifig, you’re only limited by your imagination. And when it comes to Lego custom minifig accessories, if you can think it up, there’s a way to make it.