ok so its a few days late, but i’ve been away on vacation up in the highlands of scotland. Happy new year to all of you and thank you for your on going support and for reading my blog, it really keeps me motivated to keep adding more new stuff to it. A couple of you are still waiting for prizes, I haven’t forgotten, they will be with you in the next few weeks. also i’ve begun planning for an all new custom minifig site redesign which should make this site far more useful, i’ve got big plans but getting the funding is always going to be an issue, so your ongoing support of the site is greatly appreciated!
now updates from the world of custom minifigs –
beckett publications in the US have a new lego magazine out with some stuff about custom minifigs and lego minifigures in general check it out here. its selling for USD 9.99
theres a new edition of brick journal out issue 10 its got an article on Minifigure Customization 101: The Best of Sculpting and an article on minimates – Not Quite LEGO: Marvel Minimates (good for those of you interested in non lego minifigs as a source of inspiration) you can get it here
The main Lego site now has a section dedicated to collectors minifigs here, its got some nice images of lego minifigs and some games, movies and downloads. Lego are also releasing pirates of the Caribbean as a lego set with minifigs of jack sparrow amongst others, Ninjago, the new lego game looks to be widely popular and takes minifigs into a role play gaming environment check em out here the lego minifig section has also been updated here. new lego sets include –
police minifig collection ; knights battle pack ; lego collectors minifig series three (series 1 and 2 are now gone, visit firestar toys for the full range) ; Pharohs quest mummys battle pack ; army men on patrol ; rebel trooper battle pack ; snowtrooper battle pack ; lego duplo world people ; community minifig set ; fairy tale and historic minifig set ; vintage minifig collection series 5
theres also an offer for a free lego ninjago keychain with orders over £50 from lego UK all the ninjago sets can be found here
lastly from lego the top 25 bestsellers can be found here
Firestartoys have a range of items on sale here they are also stocking, brickforge, brickarms, si-dan,amazingarmory and tiny tactical parts here. this makes firestartoys one of the best places to buy custom minifig parts as you can get items from all the major custom minifig accessory makes in one place.check out firstartoys here.
Brickarms have a new modern combat set out for 2011 see here, and have had a pretty big price drop –
now for some fun
film thats the first in a series of Toy Story stop-motion shorts created for LEGO by Paganomation in early 2010
check out the rest of their videos here.
new lego ninijago minifig film from toys r us in Hong Kong.
and last but not least a lego commercial for the new lego starwars sets from toys r us HK.
For 1 thing, i would like 2 know where to buy and how to order the paintball gun off of the FireStar website.I would like 2 do a youtube video on lego paintball and i need that particular gun.some one please help would be appreaciated.