Unlike others who bear the name “Green Lantern,” Alan Scott’s power does not come from the Guardians of the Universe, but from the Starheart, a magical entity once imprisoned by the Guardians. The Starheart found its way to Earth where in 1939, in the shape of a lantern, it saved Alan from a train wreck.
This Alan Scott Custom Minifigure is a high quality pad printed minifigure and the second release by Paris Custom Bricks. He features a double sided head and blonde LEGO hair piece. He also comes with a double sided torso, printing to the front and sides of the legs and purple and green custom cape.
Finally this minifigure comes with a very nice printed collectors card which is numbered /80.
You can buy this Green Lantern Alan Scott Custom Minifigure at Minifigures.co.uk while stocks last.